My new RTS+RPG game FolkOrigin

PC game + rts + rpg + hex/2d = IndieGame in early access Folk Origin

Start taking control of the map and build buildings, recruit units, fight monsters and conquer enemy villages. It's a 2D game in which you move on a hexagonal map. A strategy game combined with an RPG game. All in the times of the ancient Slavs. More information soon...
Work on the game started in September 2023 and I am designing it together with my younger brother who is responsible for creating all 2D assets. He draws buildings, landscape elements, characters, etc. and I do everything else, i.e. coding, testing, writing all the game content, publishing, etc.

The game was made available in EARLY ACCESS to show what we are working on and collect opinions that will help us develop the project faster and fix bugs.

When the game is finished, we will publish it on STEAM in one day ;)

∗ - level of difficulty of execution
- developed tooltips system *
- constantly adding/renewing/improving animations and appearances of buildings, characters and landscape*
- variety of objects in nature *
- UI styling and improved button functionality**
- adding and expanding tooltip content**
- updating and continuous improvement of game hints**
- recruiting basic units for combat **
- music, ambient, sfx ***
- recruiting heroes ***
- weapons production ***
- weapon crafting ***
- ability to collect unique items after defeating the enemy ***
- increasing skills of heroes ***
- game recording system ***
- construction of defensive structures ***
- game mode: challenge - defeat the dragon *****
- game mode: free play *****
- game mode: challenge with AI village *****
- multiplayer *****!!!

Music by - AlkaKrab

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